
Our PP is locally manufactured in a variety of finishes to suit your application needs.

We manufacture our PP in two different grades for very different applications.

Our PPH (homopolymer PP) is a rigid PP that ensures maximum stiffness and flatness in the material. This is most often supplied in layer board, layer pad or sometimes called pallet pad applications where flat sheets & rigidity is key to the successful transportation of bulk glass bottles or cans (amongst other things).

Our second grade is PPC (Copolymer PP).  This grade is more impact resistant and has more impact absorption properties compared to a PPH. The material is less brittle and performs optimally in applications where the material is subjected to constant impact.  This is often seen on cutting board applications as well as truck mudguards and chevron boards.

Technical Info PPH

Technical Info PPC

Apex_Datasheets_X4300 – PPH Virgin (layer boards)

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